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Skin Revitalization

If wrinkles and fine lines are making you look tired or older than your age, it’s time to consider the many benefits of non-invasive skin revitalization treatments. Using safe and non-surgical methods, you can achieve a rejuvenated appearance. With the use of TempSure Envi technology, you can address wrinkles and lines without the risk or hassle of surgery.

At Simi Doctors, we focus on providing only the latest and most advanced revitalization treatments to our patients. The innovative system we use requires no downtime and provides you with younger-looking, firmer skin and long-term results. Schedule your personal consultation today to learn more about skin revitalization by calling Simi Doctors or using the online booking feature.



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Located in Simi Valley

What Is Skin Revitalization?

Skin revitalization is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option to address saggy, loose skin that becomes more common as you age. Instead of using incisions and cuts to enhance your appearance, we use the power of radio frequency energy.

The experts at Simi Doctors uses the innovative TempSure Envi system to address a variety of common skin flaws like:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Loose skin

As we age, these signs continue to become more apparent across our faces and bodies. But, there are now ways to fight back against these signs of aging. More importantly, you can do so in a safe and healthy way.

Your Simi Doctors medical professional can also use the TempSure Envi system to eliminate noticeable cellulite in many areas of your body. Its versatility makes it a truly effective means of achieving rejuvenation.

How Does TempSure Envi Work?

TempSure Envi technology works by delivering radio frequency energy into the skin. These measured amounts of energy trigger new collagen production, an essential building block of healthy skin. Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies have less and less of it. But our treatment works to reverse that loss.

Over time, new collagen growth improves your skin’s elasticity and smooths out wrinkles and lines around your face. Your skin also feels tighter, taking years off your face’s appearance. New collagen also fills in dimpled areas of skin created by cellulite, smoothing the surrounding skin to make it less noticeable.

Treatment with TempSure Envi requires no incisions, and the radio frequency energy doesn’t damage surrounding tissue. You don’t have to worry about scars or be at risk for infection.

quote symbol imageHealth is a precious gift and prevention is the best medicine

Why Should I Consider Skin Revitalization?

As you get older, your body slows down its production of collagen, and your skin begins to sag. For some patients, this can happen very early on in your life. Also, many patients have begun using skin revitalization as a way to improve collagen levels before they start reducing.

If you’re unhappy with your appearance because of wrinkles and fine lines, you can benefit from non-surgical skin revitalization treatments. Skin revitalization can also be combined with other treatments to deliver an extra level of enhancement.

TempSure Envi can address common skin flaws without surgery. Treatment times are fast, and you won’t have to miss work or other activities because of your treatment. Your friends and family won’t even know you’ve had the procedure because there won’t be visible incision marks or scars. But the results will shine through, giving you a more lively and fresh look.

How Long Do Skin Revitalization Results Last?

Because TempSure Envi technology stimulates your own body’s ability to heal, you can expect your results to last for months or years.

Initially, it can take some time to see improvements in your skin’s texture and tightness. But you will see continued improvements as your body works to produce new, healthy collagen. Within three to four weeks of treatment, your skin looks and feels tighter and smoother.

With a good skincare regimen, a healthy diet, and daily exercises, you can maintain your results for the long-term. The Simi Doctors experts can also recommend follow-up treatments down the road to keep your skin young-looking and healthy.

Is Skin Revitalization Right for Me?

Our non-surgical treatment is a great option for patients of almost all ages. It is great for patients who want to treat wrinkles and fine lines. But it also works for patients who want to take preventative measures. During your consultation, you can learn all about what this treatment can do for you. We always provide patients with clear expectations about what their results will look like. If you are ready to achieve brighter, livelier skin, this treatment is for you.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

The first step to a rejuvenated appearance is scheduling a consultation. When you meet with one of the Simi Doctors experts, we closely listen to your goals. Then we put together a treatment plan that perfectly matches your needs. We provide complete information about all our treatments, so you can always make decisions with comfort and confidence. Call us today to learn more about our skin revitalization treatment.


Located in Simi Valley



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